Thursday, May 14, 2015

Food Prices

            Money. This word is known world-wide. People are either worrying if they have enough or worrying about how to become even wealthier. America is known for obesity. The cheap food in America, sadly, is food that is horrible for our bodies. Things like the dollar menu at McDonalds, Wendy’s, the 99 cent Lunchables and Mac and Cheese and common foods Americans relate to. Not everyone has the money to afford better food, is it right that healthy food is priced so high?

            How can people judge the Americans that cannot afford the healthier food? I was just shopping today and went in the healthy foods sections and oh my, was I shocked to see the prices; 5 dollars for a small bag of tortilla chips, almond milk 4 dollars, and don’t even let me mention the 8 dollar bag of almonds. I understand the importance to eat healthy, but what about those who truly can only afford items on the dollar menu?

            If we want other countries to stop viewing us as a bunch of fatties, then let’s make an ethical change. How about allowing majority of Americans the ability to be able to purchase healthier foods. I do understand to make healthier food it does cost money, but we have to come up with some type of balance, because if we don’t then we are giving other countries even more the opportunity to judge our eating choices.

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